6 Key Points to a Healthier Budding Grain (the 8th of 24 Solar Terms)!
小满,夏季的第二个节气,时值每年公历的5月20 ~ 22日之间,太阳到达黄经60度时,今年的小满具体为5月21日。 Budding Grain the second Solar Term in Summer (the 8th of all 24 Solar Terms), it typically starts between May 20th and 22nd, during this time, the sun reaches 60 degrees longitude, and this year Budding Grain is on May 21st.
夏季是阳气盛的时期,而小满是夏季的第二个节气,从这时候起就要调整我们的日常饮食起居,才能健康地度夏。 During Summertime, yang qi is predominant, at this time of the year, we must adjust our daily diet and daily life for a healthy Summer. 在小满节气的养生中,中医专家建议以下6个注意要点,尤其重点提到要“未病先防”的养生观念。 Traditional Chinese Medicine experts suggest the following 6 key points when it comes to health maintenance during Budding Grain Solar Term, and the concept of these key points is simply “Prevention”.
健脾祛湿调运化 Invigorate the Spleen and Dispel Dampness 小满过后,天气逐渐炎热起来,雨水开始增多。潮湿闷热的天气,本来就容易使人中暑、湿邪,此时若贪凉卧睡,又易中风、寒邪。所以风湿症、湿性皮肤病在此节气最是高发。 After Budding Grain, the temperature gets hotter gradually and the rain began to increase. Hot and humid weather is inherently prone to heatstroke and dampness. If you sleep in the cold, you are also prone to stroke and coldness. Therefore, rheumatism and skin diseases are more common during this Solar Term. 《内经》 :“诸湿肿满,皆属于脾”,中医认为,像四肢沉重、容易疲劳、失眠、食欲下降、恶心、头晕等问题都跟体内湿气淤堵有关,属于脾失健运,需要在湿气刚开始时消灭掉。脾主运湿,脾胃功能好,就能把多余的湿气运化出去。 According to “Neijing” (Inner Canon of the Yellow Emperor): “All dampness and swelling belong to the spleen.” Practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine believes that problems such as heavy limbs, easily fatigue, insomnia, decreased appetite, nausea, and dizziness are related the blockage of moisture within the body. The spleen governs dampness, and dampness needs to be eliminated before it begins, so when the spleen and stomach are functional, it can help transport excess moisture out of the body.
有句话叫“暑多挟湿”,也就是说暑热之气最易与湿邪一起侵犯人体。其实这个时候,湿邪往往已经打入人体内部潜伏起来,等到大暑时节,湿邪主气的时候,暑、湿就会内外呼应,使人们陷入湿气的困扰,从而引发很多问题,比如风湿病、脚气、痤疮、妇科炎症、水肿、肥胖等。所以,此时养生的重点就应该放在健脾祛湿上。 As the saying goes “Summer heat usually accompanied with dampness”, in another words, the summer heat and dampness are likely to invade the human body together. In fact, at this time, the dampness has already penetrated and lurked inside the human body. When dampness predominates in the summer season, the summer heat and dampness will react internally and externally through the human body, causing many problems, such as rheumatism, athlete’s foot, acne, gynecological inflammation, edema, obesity and so on. Therefore, the focus of health preservation at this time should be strengthening the spleen and removing dampness. 切勿贪凉宜午睡 Don’t take in too much coolness and take naps often.
小满过后,气温明显升高,雨量增多,但早晚仍会较凉,气温日差仍较大,尤其是降雨后气温下降更明显,因此要注意适时添加衣服,尤其是晚上睡觉时,要注意保暖,避免着凉受风而患感冒。 After Budding Grain, the temperature in the morning and evening will cool down significantly, especially after rainfall. Therefore, it is necessary to wear more clothes at the right time, especially when sleeping, to keep warm, and avoid catching a cold.
同时也应当顺应夏季阳消阴长的规律,适当增加午睡时间,保证有充足的睡眠时间,以保持精力充沛。 At the same time, follow the law of summer yang and yin growth, appropriately increase nap time, and ensure that your body rest and sleep enough to keep energetic throughout the day. 平心静气重养心 Nourish the heart and stay calm 一到夏天,很多人常常觉得烦闷、头晕、寝食难安、浑身乏力……。《黄帝内经》记载:“南方生热,热生火,火生苦,苦生心……在志为喜,喜伤心。”由于夏季心阳最旺,此时最适合养心。 In the Summer, many people often feel bored, dizzy, sleepy, and tired. Inner Canon of the Yellow Emperor recorded: “The South generates heat, heat generates fire, fire generates bitter [flavor], bitter [flavor] generates the heart…its state of mind is joy, joy can harm the heart.” Since the heat in the heart is most prosperous in Summer, it is most suitable to nourish the heart.
However, people are prone to irritability and restlessness during Budding Grain, it is important to adjust one’s mood, keep a calm and comfortable mind to prevent severe mood fluctuations from causing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Practicing outdoor activities and physical exercises, walking, jogging, Tai Chi, and other sports are also suitable. Do not do vigorous exercises to avoid profuse sweating.
Treat winter illness during Summer
在小满节气的养生中,要特别提出“未病先防”的养生观点,就是在疾病没发生之前,做好各种预防工作,以防止疾病的发生。 When it comes to health maintenance during Budding Grain Solar Terms, it is important to remember the word “Prevention”, which is to achieve all kinds of preventive work before illness occurs.
Traditional Chinese Medicine advocates “treatment of winter diseases in summer”. The theory is based on “yang in spring and summer, and yin in autumn and winter”. It uses the strongest human yang in summer to treat certain cold illness, to achieve both symptoms and root causes, preventive health care.
Consume diluted food and avoid cold food
There is heavier rain fall after Xiaoman and we often sweat more. It is important to keep our diet refreshing and light and avoid excessive intake of raw and cold foods.
进入五月之后,天气炎热、细菌滋生,一些疾病也随之而来。同时,由于夏季出汗多,体内水分流失多,人体的消化功能变差。而在我们所吃的各种食物中,汤粥类既富于营养又最容易消化。而且汤粥类不仅做法简单,还有助于身体吸收。因此,小满时节除了饮食清淡外,还应该多喝粥、多饮汤。 The weather will get hot entering May, bacteria will grow, and illness can follow. Our digestive function becomes poor due to heavy sweating and major water loss in the body during Summer. Among the various foods we eat, soups and porridges are both nutritious and the easiest to digest. Therefore, in addition to a light diet, you should drink more porridge and soup during Budding Grain season.
养生穴位宜牢记 Remember these Acupuncture point 足三里 Zusanli (艾灸,按摩) 【定位】取足三里穴时,应当屈膝,在外膝眼向下4横指,胫骨前嵴旁开1横指处。 [Positioning] Bend knee when looking for Zusanli point, with four transverse fingers downwards on the outer knee, and one transverse finger next to the anterior tibial crest. 【功效】有调节机体免疫力、增强抗病能力、调理脾胃、补中益气、通经活络、疏风化湿、扶正祛邪的作用。 [Effect] This can regulate the body’s immunity, enhance disease resistance, regulating the spleen and stomach, invigorating the middle and replenishing qi, activating the meridians, dredging wind and dampness, and strengthening the body.
太阳穴 Tai Yang Xue 【定位】太阳穴在耳廓前面,前额两侧,外眼角延长线的上方。(眉梢和外眼角之间,向后一横指的凹陷处) [Positioning] Tai Yang Xue is in front of the auricle, on both sides of the forehead, and above the extension line of the outer corner of the eye. (Between the eyebrow and the outer corner of the eye, a depression that points backwards) 【功效】清肝明目,通络止痛。对缓解头痛、眼睛疲劳、振奋精神、止痛醒脑有较好效果。 [Effect] Clearing liver and improving eyesight, dredging collaterals, and relieving pain. It has a good effect on relieving headache, and eye fatigue.