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Fumigation-Washing treatment
Fumigation-washing Treatment is eliminate dampness, relax muscles, disple wind
Service Description
Call today and take 25% off for your first appointment. If you have multiple problems, I highly recommend you book consultation and treatment together for diagnosis and first treatment. Fumigation-washing Treatment is eliminate dampness, relax muscles, dispel wind, stimulate blood circulation, eliminate cold, stop pain. It benefits for rheumatoid arthritis and skin issuers, more different diseases. 熏洗疗法,是利用药物煎汤乘热在皮肤或患处进行熏蒸、淋洗的治疗方法(一般先用药汤蒸气熏,待药液温时再洗)。此疗法是借助药力和热力,通过皮肤、粘膜作用于肌体,促使腠理疏通、脉络调和、气血流畅,从而达到预防和治疗疾病的目的。 适应症:瘢痕疙瘩、鸡眼、扁平苔藓、肥厚性湿疹、银屑病、丘疹性荨麻症、毛囊角化症、各种皮肤瘙痒症、结节性痒疹等 。 优势:本方法无痛苦、无危险,药物直接作用于病变局部,具有活血化瘀、通络止痛、清热解毒、利湿消肿、改善肢体微循环等多种功能,发挥了药到病除的特殊治疗效果,成为治疗周围血管疾病的独疗法。
Contact Details
Cai’s Clinic of Acupuncture & Herbs, South El Camino Real, Oceanside, CA, USA